Select a different alternative: $ sudo alternatives -config pgsql-psql Link currently points to /usr/pgsql-14/bin/psqlĬurrent `best' version is /usr/pgsql-14/bin/psql. List alternatives for a specific program: $ alternatives -display pgsql-psql The PostgreSQL Global Development Group supports a major version for 5 years after its initial release. Pgsql-createdb auto /usr/pgsql-14/bin/createdb
If you are connected to your database you.
Option 1: SELECT version () If you’re already connected to PostgreSQL, run the following query to return the PostgreSQL server’s version information: SELECT version () Here’s the result when using PostgreSQL 12. Pgsql-pg_config auto /usr/pgsql-14/bin/pg_config Checking your PostgreSQL database version is a simple process, but there are several ways to obtain that information. In this article I present several ways to check your PostgreSQL version. List all installed alternatives: $ alternatives -list Debian-based distros use the similar update-alternatives program. The libpq file that ships with PostgreSQL version 10 and above is fine. Any PostgreSQL sql script executed by Flyway, can be executed by the PostgreSQL command-line tool and other. Because it is possible to have multiple versions of PostgreSQL installed on a single system, the alternatives program is used in RHEL-based distros for managing symbolic links from /usr/bin to utilities of a particular PostgreSQL version in /usr/pgsql-*/bin. Supported versions, 9.3-1104-jdbc4 and later. The question does not mention the Linux distribution, but the /usr/pgsql-10/bin path suggests RHEL-based.